-----Original Message----- From: csappenfield
While it might be comforting (especially after the trouncing in the recent elections) to think of conservatives in general as ...
The problem here isn't what political conservatives are or what <fill in political ideology group> are. The problem is that when you make generalizations there are always large numbers of people that do not fit the profile. This is the problem that Ralph Nader (this guy really annoys me) and some other people are trying to fix. When you have only two credible choices it is necessary to sacrifice perhaps a great deal of one's values to get the one with the most similar values elected. As far as the last election being a trouncing. It was not much of a trouncing, in fact it's been one of the closer elections in history. [large rant on politics and number manipulation deleted]
He won by less than 51% of the vote IIRC. Hardly a trouncing.