<rare rant>
Luke, Leo, etc.
Ya'll have each other's e-mail addresses. Why don't you use your _"OWN"_ bandwith to continue the (off)topic of your choice??? Oren set a "trick-bag for trolls" and you two are the worst offenders who've fallen not only _into_ that bag, but _through_ its _BOTTOM!!!!!_ You proved the person who stated that there are always some who will NOT moderate themselves and need it done for them!!! SAD in DEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I believe that there is such a thing as abusive moderation. I've been a victim of it in other forums/chat areas. However, in the case of this particular place where an off-topic discussion has already caused all kinds of trouble one would rationally think that ya'll would get the POINT. <> Take it elsewhere, eh???
Other than this __religious zealotry__ that's been perpetuated here, you (Luke, Leo, etc.) have ON topic knowlege that is of *great* importance and of use by others. I would really hate to see the type of "moderation" that was suggested to be implimented simply because a MINORITY would NOT _*GET*_ the _*CLUE*_!!!!! Implementing such a policy would only serve as an obstacle of innovation almost to the point of snuffing it out! Are you so myopic that you can't see this?????
Therefore, I suggest that after an off-topic discussion has gone on long or heated enough to make people weary of it to the point that they gently, or not so gently, try to persuade that topic to be changed back on-topic or dropped (out of here, at least) then _SIMPLY_ use your OWN e-mail addresses (since thar ARE clearly visible and even provide LINKS) to continue your off-topic discussion so that the rest of us can ENJOY and/or learn from the ON topic posts.
Luke, Leo, etc. are you getting the _CLUE_ here????????? And Oren an/or whoever, no more __trolling__ on off-topic discussions, please? This thing had died until Oren relit the fuse with the comment about Lent. ;) Oren you knew what you were doing when you set that trap and you got the results you were after. Sad, sad, sad!!!
</rare rant>
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