> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Hildreth
> ... Not to sound ungrateful for any comments/suggestions, but lets try to
> make them constructive and productive to making a modern, updated,
> technical site for our group. I know you you Linux guys (myself
> included) tend to argue over semantics versus content ;)
Nice job. I posted a comment on the site.
Not to be picky or nitpicky or argue over semantics,
buuuuuuuut ...
sentences usually end in one of [.?!] not ";)" .
Note period to end sentence. ________________|
Also critique is spelled with a "u".
All jesting aside. I like your design and of course it needs
more content, which is irrelevant at this stage. I did notice
two things that popped out at me. One, I like having a top pull
down menu, not that the site needs one. Also, when going
from the home page to other pages in the sidebar I noticed the
links disappear (at least some of the time). It was quite noticeable
and made me look off to the side momentarily taking my attention
away from the content. That may be ok, seeing as you have a menu
entry for links, but it may be more aesthetically pleasing to
leave the links on all pages.
What is XOOPS?
(Sure I could google it, but you brought it up - and I'm lazy today.)